Sticky Chai Granola

Sticky Chai Granola

Perfect for breakfast or snacking any time of day! Recipe by K.offeehugs

Serves: 1

What you will need:

  • 200g oats
  • 60g nuts, chopped (almonds, cashews, pecans, …)
  • 30g desiccated coconuts
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • a pinch of salt

Sticky mixture:

  • 2 heaped tbsp Sticky Chai 
  • 90g dates, pitted and chopped
  • 30 ml  water
  • tea bag (made from filter paper) or tea strainer

What to do:

1. Mix all the dry ingredients (i.e. everything from oats to salt) together in a mixing bowl and set it aside.


2. Put the Sticky Chai into an infuser sac or Brewdini. This will make it easier to remove the tea leaves later on. 

3. Put the dates, Sticky Chai tea and the water (enough to cover the dates) into a small saucepan on the stove. Let it come to a boil and then turn down the stove to medium-low. Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes, until the dates turned all gooey and mushy. Remove the Sticky Chai and blend the mixture with a hand blender. Let it cool for 5 minutes.


4. Preheat the oven to 160°C.


5. Mix half of the sticky mixture and the dry ingredients together until everything is evenly coated.


6. Distribute the mixture onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and put it into the oven.


7. After 15 minutes, take the tray out and mix in the remaining sticky mixture.


8. Bake for another 10-15 minutes, depending on your oven. The granola should be golden brown. Leave it in the oven with a slightly ajar door to cool down completely.


9. Put the cooled granola into a mason jar or container.


Enjoy with milk or yogurt, topped with fresh fruit or my favourite, frozen raspberries or whatever you fancy!




Note: I tried mixing in all the sticky mixture at once but you couldn’t taste the Sticky Chai very well afterwards. Mixing it in in two stages preserves the taste of the tea!

Why not try this recipe with other tea blends?

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