Chilli Kale Bloody Mary

Chilli Kale Bloody Mary

Learn how to make this in-store special with our Chilli Kale Bloody Mary recipe. Made with our limited edition Chilli Kale Matcha!


This tasty recipe was created by our talented Bristol Teabird, Keight!

Serves: 1

What you will need:

What to do:

1. First, you need to get 1 Perfect Matcha Spoon of your Chilli Kale Matcha and pop it into a small bowl.


2. Next, you want to add a splash of 80-degree water to the matcha (this is easily achieved by adding a splash of cold water to the matcha first and then adding a splash of boiling water).


3. Grab your Matcha Whisk and whisk it up until everything is combined and there are no lumps. If you don't have a bamboo matcha whisk, you can use a battery powered whisk.


4. Now you need to pour your matcha in a glass with a handful of ice, along with 2 - 3 small drops of Worcester Sauce. You also need to add 150ml of tomato juice and give it all a nice stir!


5. Pop in a straw and enjoy!

Everything you need for this recipe:

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