'Summer Garden' Mermaid Mist Ice Lollies

'Summer Garden' Mermaid Mist Ice Lollies

The Summer sun is out in full force, Teabirds! And, what's better at cooling us down then a tasty ice lolly?! Learn how to make these delicious 'Summer Garden' ice lollies, using our limited edition tea, Mermaid Mist! 


This recipe was created by our Tea Rep: Amyleecupoftea

Makes: 5

What you will need:

What to do:

1. To start things off, you’re going to want to use your Cold Brew Bottle to make some cold brewed Mermaid Mist tea, I used 5 Perfect Tea Spoons and I let that brew in my fridge overnight!


2. We chose a lovely mix of fruit and flowers from my garden to use in my lollies, be careful that you’re using flowers that are edible, I used pansies, lavender, honeysuckle & rose petals 


3. Simply pop the fruit and flowers into your lolly moulds and then fill them up with your cold brewed tea, pop the lolly sticks in and pop in the freezer.


4. After they have been in the freezer for a hour or so, or once the lollies are partially frozen, squeeze a little fit of lemon juice into each lolly then pop them back in the freezer, adding the lemon juice isn’t essential but gives the lollies a magical ombre look and adds a nice freshness to the flavour!


5. Put your feet up, sunglasses on, and enjoy your lolly! 

Everything you need for this recipe:

Our IngenuiTEA tea brewers are perfect for making iced teas without any mess or if you want to leave your tea overnight to steep you can experiment with a Cold Brew Bottle. 

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